Market Insights
February 2024 Review

Our View - No Change In Our Asset Allocation

  • From a «Soft landing» to a «No landing»: that is the story since the
    beginning of the year
  • With a global repricing of the rate cuts’ expectations from the main
    central banks
  • Few risks anticipated given valuations of risky assets
  • Excessive valuation when looking at risk premia
  • More economic downturn to come, with no recession

    → Few catalysts for very active positioning in the short term

    Equity : 
    – EU equities are cheaper on an historical basis
    – US equities are more expensive but not at extremes either, when looking
    at equally weighted indices
    – Equities are rich versus High Yield, mainly due to the Tech sector

    Fixed Income :
    – Although yields have sold off since our last committee meeting, core
    sovereigns may still correct upwards a little
    – Tight spreads on the Credit and less attractive yields than a few months
    ago BUT of interest in a context of rate cuts to come
    – Favour Investment Grade over High Yield ; more neutral on Investment
    Grade between US and EU
    – Favour exposure on the belly of the curve
    – Financials offer decent spreads versus Non Financials, even on the
    senior bonds

    Emerging Debt :
    selective on EM countries and positive on Local currency Debt

Gaëlle Boucher

Chief Investment Officer

Gaëlle Boucher

Chief Investment Officer